this flow of being doesn't have a findable, locatable, separate ego-self-me. there's no entity controlling and blamable for any outcome of events. there's not even a particular event that can be confirmed as THE point of events.
there is no separate me. there is only life, as it is. to say 'only' may be to play down the complete enoughness of life, as it is. after all, THIS is how it is, and to say it is not enough is also part of what is.
life seeks pleasure. living beings seek pleasure. this seems to be the case without exception.
if this is truly the case without exception, what is experienced here, is that giving unconditional love and acceptance to all 'other' manifestations of life... to all living beings... to this-what-is... is the absolute best way i know to gain pleasure.
therefore, to love 'myself', i 'choose' to forsake myself for love of all that is 'other' to 'me'. truly, this was never a choice, but instead, it is grace to see life this way.
life is intelligent. a self-loving being is not proof of a separate someone who loves. this is simply the case for all living beings... for all of life...
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