Saturday, June 18, 2011

a note to my self

there's a unique experience of life happening right here
and it's here for you too, isn't it?
in my experience, it's happening there for you, but in yours it's happening here.

why is this worth mentioning?  because there is nothing else.
nothing else is happening but what's here, right now.

no past, no future, no separate god out in space, no heaven or hell; none of these things are here right now.  a belief of something is not the same as it being real.

this is all there is.

and it's always moving.  it's never the same.  as soon as a word gets out to describe it, it's different.

there's no reference point possible when all there is, is constantly changing.

all reference points are assumptions.  and they hinge on one particular assumption about one particular reference point, that very very few ever question.

it feels like there's a human female body here, but there is no memory of this body being born.  there's no reference point in memory for the beginning of this body, there's only a set of descriptions.

it feels like the body is separate somehow.  a separate name.  a separate set of habits.  a separate set of thoughts.  a separate set of preferences.  all with a unique attachment to this particular body.

but the body is not separate from life.  it IS life.  and the list of things considered to be separate will disappear when the body dies and breaks down into parts that are absorbable by the earth.  right now, the body requires just this composition of oxygen to continue to breathe.  it requires the light of the sun to remain healthy.  it requires food, and food comes from the life around it.  it requires water.

all that is believed to prove that some part of what's happening right now is a separate me, is in fact just life, just changing, just moving, without any need of a reference point, to be just as it is.

so remember.  everything you think of as you, will die.  if you think you'll know, you could be wrong.

there's no reference point from which to measure the movement of life.


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